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tv   [untitled]    November 8, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EST

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filling the country he's on the wrong track he was given a second chance though in two thousand and eight he ran a new off to promise of change something many of the voters thought he couldn't deliver despite all those disappointed the crucial small states voted in favor of obama the major media outlets started cool in the race who after he appeared to be ahead in ohio for the last twelve elections this bellwether state went to the winner of the national race tonight in a so what. you. the american people. reminded us that war road has been hard. while our journey has been long we are picked ourselves up we are far away. when knowing. that for the united states of america the best is yet to come this year the race was much closer than in two thousand and eight that school you see in the popular
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vote where two candidates are on the separated by one percentage point four years ago the march in was seven percent obama got iran ten million votes less in this election than in the previous one there was even the certain point when the room the lead electoral vote although he never reached the two hundred seventy votes needed food victory with analysts saying he's right wing radical image worked against team i so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction but the nation chose another leader and so and i join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation in addition to securing america's highest office democrats are also retaining control of the senate where they're expected to hold fifty three of the one hundred seats to republicans who however maintain their maturity in the house of representatives obama will one.
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insignia and have to do with a divided congress this struggle for real action is over for him i would storm to struggle for a place in mystery he's no longer faced with overinflated expectations as well as with the need to be reelected which might make him a decision maker during his second term. well and once again for the look of russian global affairs and the simon shuster of the time magazine gentleman ho welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us today this election day. well two thousand and eight barack obama won that seventy million popular votes from as i remember this started six to ten ten million less does that mean that actually ten million people turning their back and of damaging this election the k.k.k. can can we jump to such a conclusion. i think i think that would be fair but it's hard to compare the two
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election campaigns first of all i think the republican candidate was stronger on the whole at least had a broader appeal to moderate republican voters then john mccain has a pretty hard line. war veteran and so on. and the enthusiasm that obama was able to rouse among young voters people who hadn't voted. in the american electorate was much greater in two thousand and eight and then this year people have just seen him in the course of serving as president make various mistakes fail to meet certain objectives and so on. people say people in russia at least say that the three three weak points. was that first of all he was a financial year and these are the people that america is blaming for what happens if they're caught in the occupy wall street that they have nothing in business with entrepreneurs but the financial interests are the fads that made it happen first so he's a mormon and americans don't generally like the i mean this suspicious of these guys
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right and thirdly he said he said he'd abolish gay marriages do you think these three were which is not liberal i mean well this may be right but it's not liberal it's not the right thing to do to say for a presidential candidate do you think these three points are really really the weakest point of. romney or there was more to that. certainly for a particular group of voters those three points were important and essential but i think it was. he had more disadvantages and the biggest problem for romney and i must say obama is better but not much better and that this campaign showed that no one has a clear vision of what to do and romney as a person much more oriented towards to revitalize all the good times the american ideals at large. it sounded
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appealing to some people but many others especially younger generation they didn't see what kind of future here in this age and it seems that romney lacked this understanding of contemporary world and even in the economic. areas where republican party tried to make the biggest emphasis on he didn't convince people that he knows how to repair american economy grew sound. yeah i think i'd agree i would just like the third point you raised about gay marriage and kind of take issue with that i think it was more risky for obama to about a few months before the elections to come out and say that he. has nothing against gay marriage me thinks that it should be under the law it would be. it has been the first time that americans elected
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a president who was openly taking that position and his position on gay rights generally has been extremely progressive. which risked costing him a lot of a lot of voters i think even even in the democratic party the democrats are going to although you will hear this supposed to be liberal right but still but still gay marriage not totally right it's quite quite a. far left issue i mean the way that it unfolded was quite interesting because if you remember it was vice president joe biden who said in an interview sort of unplanned statement that i've got nothing against gay marriage and then everyone started calling obama he was forced to take this position also on planned once he had news we came up with this was shocking cover story of him america's first gay president which i. always will confuse everybody by. calling them a clinton they want to maybe make them. listen. now and not that weak point. let's talk about about his weak point some people many people
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actually say that his biggest weak point was the middle east that he's he's actually his middle name is hussein and not just the name itself but his policy in the middle east so maybe these ten million people turned their backs on the well that was the jewish community. is that the case i mean i think the jewish community . generally supports republicans because of the israel issue. as a whole it's kind of hard to say the sort of split but on the israeli issue republicans are definitely stronger they have a reputation of more fervent support for for israel and obama did back away from. even even the stance that democrats usually take you know he criticized criticize israel for its for its rather tough stance on planning to attack iran told him to back off so that may have alienated some of the some of the jewish vote. just
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before this this sandy superstate of these kind of happened and the press immediately started saying that this was a blessing. for the president's campaign i mean i mean the about his campaign is it true do you believe the this is true it might become a. disaster because if we remember when it was a two thousand five considering your dreams that was a real real disaster of war not just for bush but for for all to say for thora this is the united states and if something like that would be repeated this time i think obama would suffer a lot about as successful or rather as a president who did what he was expected to do in this situation he didn't he didn't lose anything bob i'm not sure he gained too much will you think it's it's not distorted but the way he handled it is that i think mort's that the storm hit
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directly at the republican party and it's candidates main argument the government needs to stay out of our lives that's that's the universal truth slogan of the republican party where the storm showed the government has a very important role to play and as the president obama was able to show how this is the government could be effectively managed to help people and republicans had no way really to answer you know in a time crisis like that. to now seems to be much. it was four years ago how does it mean does it mean something you know except for the for the damaged polling station and the weather well people are becoming sort of disillusioned but four years ago it was really exceptional because i remember that actually in this country in russia majority didn't believe that americans can vote can elect. yeah that was
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a big surprise here because we. maybe since the soviet time we had this deep rooted image of america in that some racist country and i think four years ago for many americans it was very important to show that its was not true this time interesting that this time no one paid attention to the color and it was not an issue. well maybe time will come when people say to you to the sex i mean america still has to lead to. a female president and then a gay person. can a federal chief of the russian magazine and simon shuster chief of the time magazine's moscow bureau spotlight will be back shortly after we take a break so stay with us.
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liz .
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welcome back to spotlight i am aware of and just a reminder that my guests on the show today i felt a little kenneth it too in chief of the russia in global affairs magazine and simon shuster chief of the time magazine moscow bureau. well. many in russia have been discussing him and even well more than they were discussing who is going to become the next american president people were discussing the words and that mr tudor of the head of the of the russian electorate office whatever said about the american elections he said that the american election system is outdated that the russian election system is much better that there's lots of irregularities
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in the american election system and the way it works and and well well actually he said he was ready to teach the americans found the power to really. go ahead with where with their elections well as a matter of fact many people inside united states themselves they complained specially this time long queues and the loss of the regular season stuff do you believe simon let's start with the that really the american system needs to be reformed somehow altered. yeah i mean i think there's some room for criticism certainly of the for example texas where the prosecutor came out against observers being allowed to polling stations you know that's that's not that's not polite for though as he of course observers should be allowed to take part so that kind of criticism is warranted and as always the discussion is alive and well about whether the electoral college. it's time to abolish that system we're going to run
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a little system yeah yeah i mean the system where it's not direct voting rights are easy media. make direction. not for the electorate but for the flavor but for the kids themselves every time there's a presidential election that debate comes up again especially in situations where a presidential candidate wins the popular vote the most the most votes on the whole but loses the vote in the electoral college. so i think that discussion needs take place i personally believe there's no reason to have the electoral college. so that criticism is warranted you know. do you think that there really this is the system when a president. can't becomes a president winning the vote but losing but losing the majority does it have a right to exist or not. as if if i'm not mistaken it happened twice.
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recently with george bush. jr. of course it's a strange situation i know the logic behind this it was and by our founding fathers to equalize the difference. and to keep the fifth federalism system alive. today it sounds and sounds strange. and i think that debate about to more than a is american electoral system will go certainly will be a topic for next year's at the same time. i think the most important both for russia america or any other country is that all stick to rules if rules are such and they are. observed then it's ok because it's a. up to americans to decide what kind of system day they want same same situation
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russia so i dislike is that you're a teacher many of them of this like. russian democracy and so i think that they will sooner or later arrive to the new situation there were reports before the election that about forty percent of american supported neither obama nor rudy and they had a lot of choice in fact they had that the so-called third parties in russia today were the ones. covering the situation closely why didn't they why don't americans vote for the third party candidates if they do you would have meant for neither of the candidates it's a good question i think it has to do with the fact that in order to really get behind one of the other candidates you have to understand for example the libertarian party or the green party you have to be fairly passionate about your political views you have to study the candidate and because of because of the way the u.s.
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television media is set up because of the historical role of the democratic and republican party the third parties don't get a lot of media attention they're small to have a small voter base and a voter who is interested in voting for a third party who's not satisfied with republicans or democrats have to seek out that information and that takes a kind of kind of political interest energy that i think just few voters are prepared to since there's no so it means they're just different mentality of americans they don't need they should we say mean he says if he doesn't like that obama or or. growly he says well then whatever i mean i don't get it is that the logic there's a little fun for a third will too i mean you also have to remember that. every election has a set of issues to come up in the course of the previous years leading up to the election and. each of the candidates takes takes the issues and works out of
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position sometimes they agree sometimes they disagree on drugs for example the. recent issue has since become quite important in american politics so if you look at the issues the two candidates do represent usually opposing sides on every given issue so if a voter feels concerned about some particular issue be gay marriage drones the wars in afghanistan. then he can he can look at the candidate's particular position on that issue particularly. the morning after we knew the name of the new american president the don't get it. because barack obama is known for he has. what is the name will. mission the training money just bringing money and everybody knows that this program will continue so the. federal reserve will continue to sole economic problems
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by increasing the amount of money and sort of age but made this new challenge be even harder for a band at the challenges he made four years ago economic i mean the economic challenge no i don't i don't think so i think what he inherited from bush was was a complete catastrophe and now the trend is definitely in prove mint and. i don't see a lot of reason to expect some second wave of the crisis that would create a situation similar to what the economists including those who come to my studio say that in the beginning of two thousand and thirteen the america waits the so-called fiscal cliff and spending cuts and tax increases actually with six hundred seventy billion dollars. that may be a problem even further even should be held we'll have to deal with it but still even a situation like that would be hard to compare to what what happened in two thousand and seven thousand and eight was you know major banks collapse and. huge dip in the
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. stock markets companies going bankrupt you know unemployment spiking it was kind of a perfect storm let's talk about russia global affairs well. that's congratulated. and it's a victory prime minister medvedev also congratulated him and said that it's actually it's good that russia will have to do will not have to deal with a president that called our country the main photo on the internationally meaning really so do you really think that it really mattered for moscow. that it was this time i mean bama not that it really would i know you may be the foreign minister might choose after the election results were announced but he said oh no he's foreign minister can say he was very much he. always say we will work we have been a person doors of american people. i think. from the point of view of human
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communication of course that it will be easier for even for putin to deal with obama because obama is a more flexible person he is more contemporary person he understands much better than romney or anybody else and i'm. erica how much the. how much world has changed since last century. but i don't believe that anybody expects breakthrough in this country because of obama's election more than. it might be actually a disappointment because as i understand it if i understand right obama would like to continue same framework which was relatively successful during the reset period to take same issues and to deepen the but it worked three four years ago now
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for example russia is absolutely not interested to discuss for the costs of nuclear arsenals obama would like to do it at least when it comes to tactical nukes russia is fully ok with what we have today iran different situation afghanistan will change so i don't see any new room for compromises inside this framework we need a new framework certainly which which will have a to do with the real challenges of twenty first century but so far no further when he came into the studio half an hour ago he asked hughes who's going to replace hillary clinton she she only said she she planning to go to resign do you have a name. yeah i don't think so i don't have the inside knowledge but did i mean the. other suggested maybe susan rice the u.n. ambassador. would be a good choice she's been been a very visible and vocal member of the team and she's she's
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a close relative clinton i think if obama is looking for someone who can continue clinton's general course susan rice would probably be the pick and i don't see any reason his foreign policy has been pretty successful on the whole and you then you have the serious changes. should we expect in this venice phone a secretary should be changed. i'm not sure who would replace you know though a little sense is a bit basically basically the the the team. yeah yeah it's it's pretty much business as usual. ok thank you thank you very much for coming in just a reminder that my guests on the show today we're going to look at methods and chief of the russian global affairs magazine and simon chief of the time magazine must go and that's it for now from all of us you know if your tired your sales spotlight you can always drop me a line to help you know our apology to be done to tell you let's keep spotlights interactive we'll be back with more first hand comment on what's going on in that
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